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Xpath Filter All but Current Position() Among Repeated NodeSets

In an XForms form, I have a section that repeats with inputs inside of it. There is a dropdown that will populate in each repeated section and no two dropdowns can have the same value selected. Each dropdown must have a unique selection and if there is a duplicate selection between dropdowns in the seperate sections they should become invalid.

This is the idea I am going for

constraint="not(. = instance('my-instance')/repeated-section[Include everything BUT .'s parent]/dropdown)"

Sample Instance Data:


This is mainly an XPath filtering question. Is it possible to do what I am asking? I want to compare the current node (lets say the 2nd set of the repeated-section) against all other repeated nodesets (repeated-section 1 and 3), excluding the current nodeset (because if you compare against all including the self, it will of course be compared to as true).


  • To simplify things, I assumed that you have just one element for each iteration of the repeat:


    Then the constraint becomes:

    <xforms:bind ref="repeated-value" constraint="not(. = (../repeated-value except .))"/>

    One trick is in the except keyword, which allows you to build a sequence with all the "other repeat-value". Then you want to know if any of those is equal to the current node, which you do with = operator. Finally, the node is valid, if you can't find another node with the same value, hence the not(). Note that using not(… = …) is not the same as … != …. And here is a full example to try this out:

    <xhtml:html xmlns:xhtml=""
            <xhtml:title>No more than one</xhtml:title>
                <xforms:bind ref="repeated-value" constraint="not(. = (../repeated-value except .))"/>
            <xhtml:style type="text/css">
                .xforms-repeat-selected-item-1 { background: transparent }
                .xforms-input { display: block; padding-bottom: .5em  }
            <xforms:repeat ref="repeated-value">
                <xforms:input ref=".">
                    <xforms:alert>This value is repeated more than once</xforms:alert>