I need to calculate the minimum number of ways to reach a value, x, from value n, by adding/subtracting a list of values, l, to n.
For example: Value n = 100, value X = 45 List, l,: 50,6,1
The best way to do this is to say: 100-50-6+1 = 45
I want a programme to work this out for any value of x and n given list, l
I am really struggling to outline how I would write this.
I am confused about how to overcome the following issues:
Has anyone come across an issue like this before and have any ideas how I could outline the code for such a solution (I am using Python if it helps direct me towards learning about particular functions available that could assist me)
This is my attempt so far but I am stuck
inputA = ""
while inputA == "":
inputA = input("""Please enter two numbers, separated by a comma.
The first value should indicate the number of jugs:
The second value should indicate the volume to be measured
itemList = list(inputA.split(","))
valueToMeasure = int(itemList[1])
inputB = ""
while inputB == "":
inputB = input("Plese enter the volumes for the {} jug(s) listed: ".format((itemList[0])))
if len(inputB.split(",")) != int(itemList[0]):
inputB = ""
TargetVolume = itemList[1]
jugSizes = inputB.split(",")
print("Calculating: smallest number of steps to get", TargetVolume, "ml using jugs of sizes:", jugSizes)
largestJug = int(jugSizes[0])
ratioTable = {}
for item in jugSizes:
firstVal = int(jugSizes[0])
itemV = int(item)
valueToAssign = firstVal/itemV
ratioTable[int(item)] = int(valueToAssign)
taskPossible = True
if valueToMeasure > largestJug:
print ("Impossible task")
taskPossible = False
newList = jugSizes
if taskPossible == True:
for item in jugSizes:
if item < TargetVolume: break
newList = newList[1:]
newDict = {}
for itemA in ratioTable:
if int(itemA) < int(item):
newDict[itemA]= ratioTable[itemA]
print ("Do work with these numbers:", newDict)
This is how I would approach the problem if I understand correctly.
X = 45
largest_jug = measured = 100
jug_sizes = [50, 6, 1]
steps = []
jug_to_use = 0
while measured != X:
if jug_to_use < len(jug_sizes) - 1: # we have smaller jugs in reserve
error_with_large_jug = min([abs(measured - jug_sizes[jug_to_use] - X), abs(measured + jug_sizes[jug_to_use] - X)])
error_with_small_jug = min([abs(measured - jug_sizes[jug_to_use + 1] - X), abs(measured + jug_sizes[jug_to_use + 1] - X)])
if error_with_small_jug < error_with_large_jug:
jug_to_use += 1
if measured > X:
measured -= jug_sizes[jug_to_use]
steps.append(('-', jug_sizes[jug_to_use]))
measured += jug_sizes[jug_to_use]
steps.append(('+', jug_sizes[jug_to_use]))
[('-', 50), ('-', 6), ('+', 1)]
It basically starts by using the largest jug, until it's in range of the next size and so on. We can test it with randomly sized jugs of [30, 7, 1]
and see it again results in an accurate answer of [('-', 30), ('-', 30), ('+', 7), ('-', 1), ('-', 1)]
should be ordered largest to smallestX
can be reached with the numbers provided in jug_sizes
(otherwise it will infinitely loop)[50, 12, 5]
where the 12 size should be skipped, otherwise the solution is unreachableI'm sure you could figure out solutions for all these problems based on your specific circumstances though