I am implementing a Xamarin Android Location tracker and added following code to stop location updates.
public Task StopAsync()
IsTracking = false;
perviousStopTask = fusedLocationProviderClient.RemoveLocationUpdatesAsync(this);
return perviousStopTask;
Above method, I assign Task returns from RemoveLocationUpdatesAsync
method to perviousStopTask
and return it from StopAsync
method. But when I try to await this StopAsync
method it does not complete.
The Xamarin LocationSample project is placing blame on Google Play Services for this problem. The sample does not currently use await when calling RemoveLocationUpdatesAsync
TODO: We should await this call but there appears to be a bug in Google Play Services where the first time removeLocationUpdates is called, the returned Android.Gms.Tasks.Task never actually completes, even though location updates do seem to be removed and stop happening. For now we'll just fire and forget as a workaround.