How do I create a service that does only one processing, without registering in the database. An example: sending any data it does a processing using a hook and returns the result.
Here it works more the return is the answer of the data in the database, I do not care to store
app.use('/process', createService(options));
I tried something like this but got an error. Sorry, I am new to it.
app.use('/process', function(req, res) {
This is explained in detail in the Basics guide of the FeathersJS documentation, specifically the services section. The API documentation can be found here. A service is any object or class that implements one or more of the following methods which can do pretty much anything:
class MyService {
async find(params) {
return [];
async get(id, params) {}
async create(data, params) {}
async update(id, data, params) {}
async patch(id, data, params) {}
async remove(id, params) {}
setup(app, path) {}
app.use('/my-service', new MyService());
A custom service can be generated with the CLI via feathers generate service
and choosing the "A custom service" option. It can then be edited in src/services/<name>/<name>.class.js