I am trying to parse recursive expressions in ANTLR such as:
(a + (b + C))
((a + b))
I read this supposed solution: ANTLR Grammar for expressions
However when I try to create a rule such as:
ParenthesisExpression: '(' (ParenthesisExpression | Expression) ')';
ANTLR complains that "Rule ParenthesisExpression is left-recursive".
How can I parse expressions that can have within themselves, subexpressions of the same form?
You could do something like this:
: addExp EOF
: multExp (('+' | '-') multExp)*
: atom (('*' | '/') atom)*
: ID
| '(' addExp ')'
ID : 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z';
The closer you come to the atom
rule, the higher the precedence: so +
and -
have the lowest precedence, followed by *
and /
, and lastly, ID
and ( ... )
have the highest precedence.
It parses the input:
((a / b)) - x
as follows:
and the input:
(a * (b + C))
is parsed like: