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How to auto scale helm chart statefulsets

I have installed the rabbitmq cluster using helm chart. Rabbitmq using statefulsets so is there any way to auto scale this ?

Also one more question how to auto scale (HPA) deployment having PVC ?


  • StatefulSets can be autoscaled with HPA:

    apiVersion: autoscaling/v2beta1
    kind: HorizontalPodAutoscaler
      name: some-service
      maxReplicas: 4
      - resource:
          name: memory
          targetAverageUtilization: 80
        type: Resource
      - resource:
          name: cpu
          targetAverageUtilization: 80
        type: Resource
      minReplicas: 2
        apiVersion: apps/v1
        kind: StatefulSet
        name: some-service

    Regarding PVC and StatefulSets and HPA - I'm not sure but I think that depends on reclaimPolicy of StorageClass of your PVC. Just make sure you have reclaimPolicy: Retain in your StorageClass definition. Having that you should preserve data on scaling events.

    If you mean Deployments with HPA and PVC - it should work, but always remember that if you have multiple replicas with one shared PVC - all replicas will try to mount it. If PVC is ReadWriteMany - there should be no issues. If it is ReadWriteOnce - then all replicas will be scheduled on one node. If there is not enough resources on node to fit all replicas - you will get some pods in Pending state forever.