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CPLEX can't read data from excell file because matrix is too big?

I am solving a optimization problem using a european electric grid with 9241 nodes. To do that I created a connectivity matrix and inserted it in an Excel file. Using code from smaller problems (less nodes), which takes the information from the Excel file to write a CPLEX matrix, I tried to apply it to this bigger problem and I get the following error:

Exception from IBM ILOG Concert: Can not read data from excel. PEGASE-9241data.dat /Teste 8:36-37 E:\Program Files\IBM\ILOG\CPLEX_Studio129\opl\oplide\workspace\Teste\PEGASE-9241data.dat OPL Problem Marker

Some important things to know:

- The Excel file is .xlsx

- I wrote the connectivity matrix into the Excel file using Matlab (worked for smaller problems)

When I try the same code with a smaller problem (3120 nodes) It works fine.


range n = 1..9241;

dvar boolean x[n];
dvar boolean y[n][n];

 //Conectivity matrix
 int A[n][n] =...;

 //Vector ZIB
 int z[n] =...;

 //Objective Function
 dexpr int total = sum (p in n) x[p];

 minimize (total);

 subject to {

   forall (i in n)
      sum (j in n)             
       (A[i][j]*x[j] +A[i][j]*z[j]*y[i][j]) >= 1;

    forall (j in n)
      sum(i in n)
        A[i][j]*y[i][j] == z[j];



SheetConnection sheet("E:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ILOG\\CPLEX_Studio129\\opl\\oplide\\workspace\\Teste\\PEGASEmatriz9241.xlsx");
A from SheetRead(sheet,"matriz9241");

z from SheetRead(sheet,"zib9241");


  • I think you have a memory issue. I managed to run the scalable example

    til n=7000

    So in your case I would divide your square into 4 squares. Let me share the full model to do that.

    First to write into the Excel file in order to let you test.


    function toColumnName(num) {
      for (var ret = '', a = 1, b = 26; (num -= a) >= 0; a = b, b *= 26) {
        ret = String.fromCharCode(parseInt((num % b) / a) + 65) + ret;
      return ret;
    // 1,1 => A1  1,4 => D1 2,27 => AA2
    function convertR1C1toA1(r,c)
    int n=4;
    int cell[i in 1..n][j in 1..n]=i*j;
    int cell1[i in 1..n div 2][j in 1..n div 2]=cell[i][j];
    int cell2[i in 1..n div 2][j in n div 2+1..n]=cell[i][j];
    int cell3[i in n div 2+1..n][j in 1..n div 2]=cell[i][j];
    int cell4[i in n div 2+1..n][j in n div 2+1 ..n]=cell[i][j];
    string sheetWriteString1;
    string sheetWriteString2;
    string sheetWriteString3;
    string sheetWriteString4;


    SheetConnection s("f2.xlsx");
        cell1 to SheetWrite(s,sheetWriteString1);
        cell2 to SheetWrite(s,sheetWriteString2);
        cell3 to SheetWrite(s,sheetWriteString3);
        cell4 to SheetWrite(s,sheetWriteString4);

    and then in order to read f2.xls


    int n=...;
        string sheetWriteString1=...;
        string sheetWriteString2=...;
        string sheetWriteString3=...;
        string sheetWriteString4=...;
        int cell1[i in 1..n div 2][j in 1..n div 2]=...;
        int cell2[i in 1..n div 2][j in n div 2+1..n]=...;
        int cell3[i in n div 2+1..n][j in 1..n div 2]=...;
        int cell4[i in n div 2+1..n][j in n div 2+1..n]=...;
        int cell[i in 1..n][j in 1..n]=
        (i<=n div 2)?((j<=n div 2)?cell1[i][j]:cell2[i][j]):((j<=n div 2)?cell3[i][j]:cell4[i][j]);
        assert forall(i,j in 1..n) cell[i][j]==i*j;


    SheetConnection s("f2.xlsx");
        cell1 from SheetRead(s,sheetWriteString1);
        cell2 from SheetRead(s,sheetWriteString2);
        cell3 from SheetRead(s,sheetWriteString3);
        cell4 from SheetRead(s,sheetWriteString4);