I want to use pulumi to set up ECS with an image from a private docker registry (GitLab). Is there a way to specify the secret in the container defintion?
I'm trying to set up a new ECS cluster (awsx.ecs.Cluster) with a Service (awsx.ecs.EC2Service) running a Task with a container (awsx.ecs.Container). The image for the container is stored in a Gitlab private docker registry.
In the AWS console I would've created a Task with a container and selected Private repository authentication
. This allows setting an arn to a secret in secrets manager containing credentials as described in Private Registry Authentication for Tasks.
I haven't found a way to set this in pulumi though.
then you would need to do it like you normally would in kubernetes.
Create a docker registry secret (set its type to kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson
) and make pod reference that secret, so add imagepullsecrets
to pod spec.
FOr more details consult the link I've referenced