I have a multi-project sbt build.
I am in the sbt console in a sub-project.`
In the src/main/resources
directory of this sub-project, I have a file: tonglu.conf
I have tried all the following merge strategies. None of them exclude the file. It still appears in the root of the assembly jar
assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := {
case PathList("src", "main", "resources", xs @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard
case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.last endsWith ".html"=> MergeStrategy.first
case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.last endsWith "Log.class" => MergeStrategy.first
case PathList("tonglu.conf", ps @ _*) => MergeStrategy.discard
case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.last endsWith "tonglu.conf" => MergeStrategy.discard
case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps contains "tonglu.conf" => MergeStrategy.discard
case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.toString() contains "tonglu.conf" => MergeStrategy.discard
case x => MergeStrategy.first
NOTE: I would happily remove the resources folder altogether
My error must have been elsewhere. The following line works:
case PathList(ps @ _*) if ps.last endsWith "tonglu.conf" => MergeStrategy.discard