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Modeling Relational Data in DynamoDB (nested relationship)

Entity Model:

enter image description here

I've read AWS Guide about create a Modeling Relational Data in DynamoDB. It's so confusing in my access pattern.

Access Pattern

| Access Pattern                            | Params     | Conditions |
| Get TEST SUITE detail and check that      |TestSuiteID |            |
| USER_ID belongs to project has test suite |   &UserId  |            |
| Get TEST CASE detail and check that       | TestCaseID |            |
| USER_ID belongs to project has test case  |   &UserId  |            |
| Remove PROJECT ID, all TEST SUITE         | ProjectID  |            |
| AND TEST CASE also removed                |   &UserId  |            |

So, I model a relational entity data as guide.

|       Primary Key       |            Attributes           |
+-------------------------+                                 +
|     PK     |     SK     |                                 |
|   user_1   |    USER    |    FullName    |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | John Doe       |                |
+            +------------+----------------+----------------+
|            |   prj_01   |   JoinedDate   |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | 2019-04-22     |                |
+            +------------+----------------+----------------+
|            |   prj_02   |   JoinedDate   |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | 2019-05-26     |                |
|   user_2   |    USER    |    FullName    |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | Harry Potter   |                |
+            +------------+----------------+----------------+
|            | prj_01     |   JoinedDate   |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | 2019-04-25     |                |
| prj_01     | PROJECT    |      Name      |   Description  |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | Facebook Test  | Do some stuffs |
+            +------------+----------------+----------------+
|            | t_suite_01 |                |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            |                |                |
| prj_02     | PROJECT    |      Name      |   Description  |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | Instagram Test | ...            |
| t_suite_01 | TEST_SUITE |      Name      |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | Test Suite 1   |                |
+            +------------+----------------+----------------+
|            | t_case_1   |                |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            |                |                |
| t_case_1   | TEST_CASE  |      Name      |                |
+            +            +----------------+----------------+
|            |            | Test Case 1    |                |

If I just have UserID and TestCaseId as a parameter, how could I get TestCase Detail and verify that UserId has permission.

I've thought about storing complex hierarchical data within a single item. Something likes this

| t_suite_01 | user_1#prj_1            |
| t_suite_02 | user_1#prj_2            |
| t_case_01  | user_1#prj_1#t_suite_01 |
| t_case_02  | user_2#prj_1#t_suite_01 |

Question: What is the best way for this case? I appreciate if you could give me some suggestion for this approach (bow)


  • I think the schema below does what you want. Create a Partition Key only GSI on the "GSIPK" attribute and query as follows:

    1. Get Test Suite Detail and Validate User: Query GSI - PK == ProjectId, FilterCondition [SK == TestSuiteId || PK == UserId]

    2. Get Test Case Detail and Validate User: Query GSI - PK == TestCaseId, FilterCondition [SK = TestSuiteId:TestCaseId || PK = UserId]

    3. Remove Project: Query GSI - PK == ProjectId, remove all items returned.

    Queries 1 and 2 come back with 1 or 2 items. One is the detail item and the other is the user permissions for the test suite or test case. If only one item returns then its the detail item and the user has no access.

    enter image description here

    enter image description here