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How to compute integral of partial derivative in R?

First time trying out the Deriv package. I was trying to compute a very simple integral of partial derivative as a start:


Here's my attempt:

junk <- function (m) {
integrate(junk, lower = 100, upper = 100.5)

which gives me a wrong answer of -24.30757, rather than 12.383. Can anyone shed some light on how to fix this please? Thanks!


  • The problem here is, that deriv() does not return an expression. For uni variate derivation use D()

    junk <- function (m) {
    integrate(junk, lower = 100, upper = 100.5)

    12.38271 with absolute error < 1.4e-13

    For comparison:

    return of deriv() - call

         .expr4 <- exp(0.1 * (100 - 94.5)^2)
         .expr5 <- m - 95
         .expr8 <- exp(0.1 * .expr5^2)
         .expr10 <- m - 96
         .expr13 <- exp(0.1 * .expr10^2)
         .expr14 <- .expr4 + .expr8 + .expr13
         .value <- .expr4/.expr14
         .grad <- array(0, c(length(.value), 1L), list(NULL, c("m")))
         .grad[, "m"] <- -(.expr4 * (.expr8 * (0.1 * (2 * .expr5)) + 
             .expr13 * (0.1 * (2 * .expr10)))/.expr14^2)
         attr(.value, "gradient") <- .grad
         .value })

    return of D() - expression

     -((exp(0.1 * (100 - 94.5)^2)) * (exp(0.1 * (m - 95)^2) * (0.1 * 
         (2 * (m - 95))) + exp(0.1 * (m - 96)^2) * (0.1 * (2 * (m - 
         96))))/(exp(0.1 * (100 - 94.5)^2) + exp(0.1 * (m - 95)^2) + 
         exp(0.1 * (m - 96)^2))^2)

    so with your syntax and the eval() you need another expression which is provided by D(). Or you use the call object, either way is possible.