I have a Restaurant Table, a Cuisine Table, and a join table connecting the Many To Many. I want to find a Restaurant that matches two specific cuisines, i.e., find the Restaurant that is listed in the join table with connections to Cuisine 1 and Cuisine 2.
I could hack something together with each and includes, but it feels like there must be some direct and obvious thing I'm missing in building my query using ActiveRecord.
ID| Name
1 | McDonalds
2 | Taco Bell
ID| Style
1 | American
2 | Mexican
3 | Fast Food
ID | Restaurant_ID | Cuisine_ID
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 3
3 | 2 | 2
4 | 2 | 3
I want to be able to query for restaurants that serve both American & Fast Food, which would give me back McDonalds but not Taco Bell as Taco Bell serves Fast Food but not American.
I can think of the following query which may not be most optimised solution but it gives correct answer and can guide in a direction to get optimised answer.
rest_ids = Restaurant_Cuisines.where(Cuisine_ID: 1).pluck(:Restaurant_ID) && Restaurant_Cuisines.where(Cuisine_ID: 3).pluck(:Restaurant_ID)
Restaurant.where(id: rest_ids)
If needs to be generalized:
def specific_restaurant(cuisine_ids)
ids = cuisine_ids.map { |id| Restaurant_ID.where(Cuisine_ID: id).pluck(:Restaurant_ID) }.reduce(:&)
Restaurant.where(id: ids) if ids.present?
Definitely N+1
where N
is cuisine_ids
but no harm if N
is limited/few.
UPDATE - Finally, single query!
def specific_restaurant(cuisine_ids)
ids = RestaurantCuisine.where(cuisine_id: cuisine_ids).group(:restaurant_id).having("count(*) = #{cuisine_ids.count}").pluck(:restaurant_id)
Restaurant.where(id: ids) if ids.present?