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How to fix xpath function min() "as an invalid token" in BizTalk shape?

I have an Xpath code in a BizTalk Expression shape which is return this error :

'min(/[local-name()='EmployeeUDM_Response' and namespace-uri()='http://Securitas/ESB/Schemas/v2/EmployeeUDM']/[local-name()='Return']/[local-name()='Employee']/[local-name()='Contracts']/[local-name()='Contract']/[local-name()='EmployementStartDate']/xs:dateTime(.))' has an invalid token.

I got this error several time before but it was because I had put a bad path

Xpath Code:

xpath("min(/*[local-name()='EmployeeUDM_Response' and namespace-uri()='http://Securitas/ESB/Schemas/v2/EmployeeUDM']/*[local-name()='Return']/*[local-name()='Employee']/*[local-name()='Contracts']/*[local-name()='Contract']/*[local-name()='EmployementStartDate']/xs:dateTime(.))")

XML file:

- <Employee date="date_0" rostarproject="rostarproject_1" xmlns:ns0="http://Securitas.ESB.HR.EmployeeUDMToRostar.MDSRequest_Schema">
    - <Contracts>
        - <Contract>
    - <Functions>
        - <Function>
    - <Adresses>
        - <Adress>
    - <Wages>
        - <Wage>
    - <Roosters>
        - <Rooster>

I expected the output of XML with the oldest 'EmployementStartDate'


  • min() is available in XPath 2.0 but not XPath 1.0 (though perhaps it's available in Biztalk?)

    You need to change /[local-name()='x'] to /*[local-name()='x'] everywhere.

    The construct XXX/xs:date-time(.) also requires XPath 2.0.