I have found some basic examples of how to use .cdk-drag-preview
and .cdk-drag-placeholder
classes and they seem to do the job when there are no nested elements.
Basically, I have a list of actions and each action is represented in a complex mat-card
format. That portion is actually done as another component but for the sake of this example, I will make it as basic as I possibly can.
My example is similar to this structure:
.my_action { border: 2px solid red; }
<div class="drop_area" cdkDropList>
<div *ngFor="let action of actions"
(cdkDragStarted)="dragStart($event, action)"
(cdkDragMoved)="dragMoved($event, action)"
(cdkDragEnded)="dragEnded($event, action)" cdkDrag>
<mat-card class="my_action">
{{ action.name }}
In angular component
dragStart(e, action) {
// initialize start X coord
this.startX = 0;
// initialize start Y coord
this.startY = 0;
dragMoved(e, action) {
// record new position
this.endX = e.pointerPosition.x;
this.endY = e.pointerPosition.y;
// logic to set startX and startY
// TRYING TO CHANGE CARD BORDER COLOR IF this.endX - this.startX > some number
I want to be able to do the following:
The issue of using .cdk-drag-preview
and .cdk-drag-placeholder
seems to apply to the draggable div
(parent of mat-card
); whereas, I am trying to change its child's border color.
Thanks in advance :)
My most important challenge is to change the border color in the drag-placeholder. I am trying to change placeholder's border color and left margin to indicate the user the action has moved to left or right, representing different levels within the list.
Would something like below accomplish your goal?
Initialize nativeElement
x and y
dragStart(e, action) {
const rect = e.source.element.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect();
// initialize start X coord
this.startX = rect.x;
// initialize start Y coord
this.startY = rect.y;
Compare X offset and use rendere2
to set style on nativeElement
dragMoved(e, action) {
// record new position
this.currentX = e.event.clientX;
this.currentY = e.event.clientY;
// logic to set startX and startY
// TRYING TO CHANGE CARD BORDER COLOR IF this.endX - this.startX > some number
if(this.startX < this.currentX){
this._renderer.setStyle(e.source.element.nativeElement, 'border-style', 'solid');
this._renderer.setStyle(e.source.element.nativeElement, 'border-color', 'green');
else if (this.startX > this.currentX){
this._renderer.setStyle(e.source.element.nativeElement, 'border-style', 'solid');
this._renderer.setStyle(e.source.element.nativeElement, 'border-color', 'blue');
To change color while dragging do the following.
Get reference to #cdkDropList
in the view.
@ViewChild('cdkDropList') _dropList:any;
Set index in *ngFor
*ngFor="let action of actions; let i = index"
Pass index to function
(cdkDragMoved)="dragMoved($event, action, i)"
Receive index and reach into the children of the cdkDropList
to set the style.
dragMoved(e, action, i) {
// record new position
this.currentX = e.event.clientX;
this.currentY = e.event.clientY;
// logic to set startX and startY
// TRYING TO CHANGE CARD BORDER COLOR IF this.endX - this.startX > some number
if(this.startX < this.currentX){
this._renderer.setStyle(this._dropList.nativeElement.children[i], 'border-style', 'solid');
this._renderer.setStyle(this._dropList.nativeElement.children[i], 'border-color', 'green');
else if (this.startX > this.currentX){
this._renderer.setStyle(this._dropList.nativeElement.children[i], 'border-style', 'solid');
this._renderer.setStyle(this._dropList.nativeElement.children[i], 'border-color', 'blue');