I want to use custom ubuntu VM image that I had created for by batch job. I can create a new pool by selecting the custom image from the azure portal itself but I wanted to write build script to do the same using the azure batch java sdk. This is what I was able to come up with:
List<NodeAgentSku> skus = client.accountOperations().listNodeAgentSkus().findAll({ it.osType() == OSType.LINUX })
String skuId = null
ImageReference imageRef = new ImageReference().withVirtualMachineImageId('/subscriptions/$SUBSCRIPTION_ID/resourceGroups/$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME/providers/Microsoft.Compute/images/$CUSTOM_VM_IMAGE_NAME')
for (NodeAgentSku sku : skus) {
for (ImageReference imgRef : sku.verifiedImageReferences()) {
if (imgRef.publisher().equalsIgnoreCase(osPublisher) && imgRef.offer().equalsIgnoreCase(osOffer) && imgRef.sku() == '18.04-LTS') {
skuId = sku.id()
VirtualMachineConfiguration configuration = new VirtualMachineConfiguration()
client.poolOperations().createPool(poolId, poolVMSize, configuration, poolVMCount)
But I am getting exception:
Caused by: com.microsoft.azure.batch.protocol.models.BatchErrorException: Status code 403, {
"lang":"en-US","value":"Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.\nRequestId:bf9bf7fd-2ef5-497b-867c-858d081137e6\nTime:2019-04-17T23:08:17.7144177Z"
"key":"AuthenticationErrorDetail","value":"The specified type of authentication SharedKey is not allowed when external resources of type Compute are linked."
I definitely think the way I am getting the skuId is wrong. Since client.accountOperations().listNodeAgentSkus() does not list the custom image, I just thought of giving skuId based of the ubuntu version that I had used to create the custom image.
So what is the correct way to create pool using custom VM image for azure batch account using java sdk?
You must use Azure Active Directory credentials in order to create a pool with a custom image. It is in the prerequisites section of the Batch Custom Image doc.
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