I am trying to make my URL more SEO friendly on my Laravel application by replacing the ID number of a certain object by the name on the URL when going to that specific register show page. Anyone knows how?
This is what I got so far and it displays, as normal, the id as the last parameter of the URL:
Route::get('/job/show/{id}', ['as'=>'website.job.show','uses'=>'HomeController@show']);
Controller method
public function show($id){
$job = Job::findOrFail($id);
return view('website.job')->with(compact('job'));
Blade page where there is the link to that page
<a href="{{route('website.job.show', $job->id)}}">{{$job->name}}</a>
You can overwrite the key name of your Job
public function getRouteKeyName()
return 'name';
Then in your route simply use {job}
Route::get('/job/show/{job}', ...);
And to call your route:
route('website.job.show', $job);
So your a
tag would look like this:
<a href="{{ route('website.jobs.show', $job) }}">{{ $job->name }}</a>
Inside your controller, you can change the method's signature to receive the Job automatically:
public function show(Job $job)
return view('website.job')
For more information, look at customizing the key name under implicit binding: https://laravel.com/docs/5.8/routing#implicit-binding