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Why is a return required when Environment.Exit() is used, but not for a thrown exception?

I'm trying to better understand the compiler for C#. It insists that all code paths must return a value, and I think that's pretty fair.

It also recognizes that if an exception is thrown in a path where a value would need to be returned, that there is no point in returning something there. This also makes sense.

My question is: why wouldn't this also apply for exiting the program in a more graceful manner? e.g Environment.Exit()


This will compile:

private string TestMethod(int x, int y)
    if (x == y)
        return "this is a string";
    throw new Exception(); 
    // No point in a return after this, it could never be reached.

This will NOT compile:

private string TestMethod(int x, int y)
    if (x == y)
        return "this is a string";
    // This will not compile.
    // "Not all code paths return a value"
    // But, the code would never make it to the return here.


  • Environment.Exit is nothing but a method as far as the compiler is concerned.

    It enforces that the TestMethod either return a value or throw an exception. Calling a method that might terminate the application or do something completely different is not a valid way to "return" from a method.