I'm stuck with a simple DataFrame.reindex().interpolate()
problem because the dataframes I am using don't have a datetime index.
I have DataFrame1: t
that looks like this:
In[1]: import pandas as pd
t = pd.DataFrame({'D18O': [-0.47, -0.12, 0.55, 0.72, 1.8 , 1.1 , 0.43, -0.29, -0.55,
-0.6 , -0.32, 0.28, 0.72, 1.1 , 1.34, 1.32, 1.11, 0.46,
0.09, 0.02]})
1 -0.47
2 -0.12
3 0.55
4 0.72
5 1.80
6 1.10
7 0.43
8 -0.29
9 -0.55
10 -0.60
11 -0.32
12 0.28
13 0.72
14 1.10
15 1.34
16 1.32
17 1.11
18 0.46
19 0.09
20 0.02
Name: D18O, dtype: float64
I want to "stretch" it to 430 rows by evenly spacing each row and linearly interpolating values in between. This is because my DataFrame2: env
has 430 rows and I want to do some later analysis that needs both frames to have the same dimension.
In[2]: env.index
Out[49]: RangeIndex(start=0, stop=430, step=1)
I've tried reindexing and interpolating in many combinations but just can't find the right method. I think the problem is, that 430 is not evenly divisable by 19/20.
new_idx = np.linspace(t.index[0], t.index[-1], env.shape[0])
I thought this qould work, but because the indexes are not even it skips most of the values in t
and leaves me with a nearly empty new dataframe.
For the reindexing step I expect something like:
In[3]: t['D18O']
0 0.47
2.13157 NaN
2.26315 NaN
... ...
21.5 -0.12
22.63157 NaN
23.76315 NaN
... ...
... ...
430 0.02
Name: D18O, dtype: float64
The indexes don't really matter, as long as the values are evenly spaced and the number of rows matches the number of rows in env
You can use parameter ffill
with limit
in DataFrame.reindex
, but thre is problem with duplicates first value, so possible solution is add first helper value close 0
to index, reindex
, remove it by iloc
and last interpolate
r = pd.RangeIndex(0, 430, 1)
t.loc[-0.001] = 0
t = t.sort_index()
new_idx = np.linspace(t.index[0], t.index[-1], len(r))
print (t.reindex(new_idx, method='ffill', limit=1).iloc[1:].interpolate())
0.043291 -0.470000
0.087583 -0.454091
0.131874 -0.438182
0.176166 -0.422273
0.220457 -0.406364
0.264748 -0.390455
0.309040 -0.374545
0.353331 -0.358636
0.397622 -0.342727
0.441914 -0.326818
0.486205 -0.310909
0.530497 -0.295000
0.574788 -0.279091
0.619079 -0.263182
0.663371 -0.247273
0.707662 -0.231364
0.751953 -0.215455