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Saving a VennDiagram output to svg

I am trying to use the package VennDiagram_1.6.20.

And this is the snippet of code I am using:

A <- c("AT1G01050", "AT1G01100","AT1G01370","AT1G01510","AT1G01630","AT1G01650","AT1G01820",
   "AT1G01920","AT1G01940","AT1G01960","AT1G02090", "AT1G02100","AT1G02120","AT1G02130",
   "AT1G04190","AT1G04250","AT1G04270", "AT1G04410","AT1G04430","AT1G04480","AT1G04510","AT1G04630",
   "AT1G04690","AT1G04710","AT1G04750","AT1G04810","AT1G04820","AT1G04860", "AT1G04870","AT1G04900",
B <- c("AT1G01050","AT1G01100","AT1G01120","AT1G01370","AT1G01510","AT1G01630","AT1G01650","AT1G01820","AT1G01940","AT1G01960","AT1G02090","AT1G02100","AT1G02140","AT1G02280","AT1G02500","AT1G02560","AT1G02690","AT1G02740","AT1G02780","AT1G02840","AT1G03150","AT1G03330", "AT1G03360","AT1G03860","AT1G03870","AT1G03900","AT1G03910","AT1G04080","AT1G04170","AT1G04190","AT1G04250","AT1G04270","AT1G04410", "AT1G04430","AT1G04480","AT1G04510","AT1G04630","AT1G04690","AT1G04730","AT1G04750","AT1G04810","AT1G04860","AT1G04870","AT1G04900","AT1G04945","AT1G04980","AT1G05055","AT1G05180","AT1G05190","AT1G05210")

ect3_roots_vd <- venn.diagram(
    x = list(A, B),
    filename = "ect3_roots_vd.svg",
    height = 10,
    width = 10,
    resolution = 300,
    imagetype = "svg",
    units = "in",
    category.names = c("roots_ect3" , "roots_te234"),
    print.mode = c("raw", "percent"),
    main="triple vs single mutant roots - ect3",
    main.cex = 2,
    fill = c('#a50026', '#fdae61')

Now, when I open the file in Illustrator, this is what I get:

But if I select the file in the Finder and show a preview "clicking" on it with the spacebar the I get the right image that looks like this:

Has anyone else tried saving a venn diagram in svg and had the same problem?

EDIT: I also tried using

ggsave(file="test.svg", plot=ect3_roots_vd, width=10, height=10)

Ant it returns the same result as above: I can see the plot if I "click it" with he space bar but this time, when I open it Ai throws an error and does not even open the file.

My R sessionInfo is:

R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Mojave 10.14.3


  • So, I solved the problem. I set the filename argument to NULL and saved the plot using ggsave and device="svg". Now I can open the file in illustrator and modify it as I prefer.

    my_plot <- venn.diagram(x=list(A, B) , 
                              filename = NULL, 
                              fill=c("#283148", "#913535"), 
                              euler.d = TRUE,
                              scaled = TRUE,
                              cat.fontfamily = "sans",
                              cat.cex = 1,
                              lwd = c(0.3, 0.3),
                              category.names=c("A", "B"), 
                              #cat.just=list(c(1,-40) , c(0.4,-40)),
                              print.mode = c("raw", "percent"),
                              fontfamily = "sans",
                              main="Overlap between A and B",
                              main.fontfamily = "sans",
                              main.cex = 1,
                              cex = 0.9,
                              width = 10,
                              height = 10,
                              units = "in")
    ggsave(my_plot, file="my_plot.svg", device = "svg")