I used this command to spin up a virtual machine :
az vm create -n $virtualMachine -g $resourceGroup --size Standard_D2_v3 --image win2016datacenter --data-disk-sizes-gb 40
--location $location --admin-username $admin --admin-password $password
Every time it creates a Drive D labeled "Temporary Storage", Is there any way I could get rid of this drive?
P.S I know what it dose and I do not need it.
I have came up with this solution:
$resourceGroup = "your resource group name"
$virtualMachine = "your virtual machine name"
# remove page file from drive d
az vm run-command invoke -g $resourceGroup -n $virtualMachine --command-id RunPowerShellScript --scripts '$CurrentPageFile = Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from Win32_PageFileSetting"; $CurrentPageFile.delete(); Set-WMIInstance -Class Win32_PageFileSetting -Arguments @{name="c:\pagefile.sys";InitialSize = 0; MaximumSize = 0}; Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\cdrom -Name Start -Value 4 -Type DWord'
# restart server
az vm restart -g $resourceGroup -n $virtualMachine
# set drive d and it's related disk into offline mode
az vm run-command invoke -g $resourceGroup -n $virtualMachine --command-id RunPowerShellScript --scripts 'get-disk -Number (Get-Partition -DriveLetter D).disknumber | Set-Disk -IsOffline $true'
# get azure disks and initialize, format and label it (assign a drive letter as well)
az vm run-command invoke -g $resourceGroup -n $virtualMachine --command-id RunPowerShellScript --scripts 'Get-Disk | Where partitionstyle -eq "raw" | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR -PassThru | New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "disk2" -Confirm:$false'
As @Charles Xu said you can not delete it but you can ignore it and make it offline. it took me a wile to figure it out , yet it might save some time from others.
If you just need the powershell this is it:
$CurrentPageFile = Get-WmiObject -Query "select * from Win32_PageFileSetting";
Set-WMIInstance -Class Win32_PageFileSetting -Arguments @{name="c:\pagefile.sys";InitialSize = 0; MaximumSize = 0};
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\cdrom -Name Start -Value 4 -Type DWord
# you need to restart at this stage
get-disk -Number (Get-Partition -DriveLetter D).disknumber | Set-Disk -IsOffline $true
Get-Disk | Where partitionstyle -eq "raw" | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle MBR -PassThru | New-Partition -AssignDriveLetter -UseMaximumSize | Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "disk2" -Confirm:$false