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Is it possible to exclude paths in Openapi code generation?

We are using a large third party API with many optional features. There are 27 endpoints and we need only a few of these from Maven. We are using server side generation.

If you are interested the API is here: Ideally we would only generate and expose the ones we support.

Is it possible to just generate a list of API endpoints or exclude ones we don't want to support?

I see there is the possibility to generate only certain models but that is not what we need. the -D apis parameter seems tor be treated as a boolean in the source code.

I'm also considering a pre-processor so we don't need to manually edit the yaml file (which is updated regularly). Any suggestions for preprocessing the yaml file?


  • The way to do this is to use the environment variable apis and provide a comma separated list of the root path-segment. Unfortunately in our case the root is /v1 so we get only one "api" generated and we can't select individual paths.

    Stripping off the /v1 from all the paths we can then use:

    Command line

    java -Dapis="consents,{payment-service},accounts"

