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RGeo::GeoJSON not decoding and returning geometry as_text for 'doughnut' polygon

Some geographical regions are areas that surround a major metropolitain city, where each is a distinct administrative area. This is the case of the capitals of Switzerland (de facto) and Brazil.


GeoJSON data for these regions are defined of geometry type polygons or multipolygons. But in both cases, when the command to


is launched so that the geometry can be returned as text and stored with postGIS


the following error is generated:

RGeo::Error::InvalidGeometry: LinearRing failed ring test

which I interpret as the polygon not being closed. It is, but with a wrinkle.
How can one handle this ring-with-a-ring-in-it ?


  • After looking at all the geocoordinates and testing the string, the conclusion is that this question is not an issue of having an empty polygon withing a polygon.

    Rather, when zooming in on the data, there is an area (in the case of Bern, the tiny hamlet of Schelten), which is an island of German speakers in the French Jura area - who seemed to have chosen to be part of a non-French canton. However, the polygon that comprises it defines it as an extension of the much bigger polygon, creating a crossover and thus the LinearRing error.

    Basically, the polygon cannot have points that touch its own edges.
    The Bernese issue gets resolved by extracting that cross-over area into its own polygon...