I can't set the dateAndTime in the standard mib HrSystemDate when using the pysnmp setCmd. I have no problems setting other mibs with octetstring, the only problem is for the date/time setting which is also an octetstring format. I am not sure what I am missing. Please advise how to set the date/time via pysnmp setCmd.
I can set the date and time using snmpset in windows command by using this value format '2019-04-04,09:18:32.0,+13:0',
e.g. snmpset -v3 -l authPriv -u snmpAdmin -a SHA -A "password" -x AES -X "password" -n terminal . = 2019-04-04,09:18:32.0,+13:0
In ireasoning I can also set it on both format, dateandtime and octetstring I can't post a picture yet so here's the link. ireasoning
def setSnmpV3string(ip, context='terminal', oid='.',value=''):
errorIndication, errorStatus, errorIndex, varBinds = next(
UsmUserData('snmpAdmin', 'password', 'password',
UdpTransportTarget((ip, 161),),
ObjectType(ObjectIdentity(oid), OctetString(value) ))
values = ' = '
if errorIndication:
elif errorStatus:
print('%s at %s' % (errorStatus.prettyPrint(),
errorIndex and varBinds[int(errorIndex) - 1][0] or '?'))
for varBind in varBinds:
values = ' = '.join([x.prettyPrint() for x in varBind])
return values.split(' = ')[1]
<OctetString value object at 0x615ba90 tagSet <TagSet object at 0x502ca70 tags 0:0:4> subtypeSpec <ConstraintsIntersection object at 0x4fef090 consts <ValueSizeConstraint object at 0x4fe0b70 consts 0, 65535>> encoding iso-8859-1 payload [2019-04-04,10:27:41.0,+12:0]>
<Integer value object at 0x6106970 tagSet <TagSet object at 0x4ff59b0 tags 0:0:2> namedValues <NamedValues object 0x54d36b0 enums noError=0, tooBig=1, noSuchName=...Writable=17, inconsistentName=18> payload [commitFailed]>
I am assuming that pySnmp will need the same input type as iReasoning but I am running out of clue on how to do it. Thanks!
For a simple solution to the date/time octet string only, I did the following: I have to use strut pack to convert the date-time string into bytes. something like this, struct.pack('>HBBBBBBcBB', 'yyyy', 'mm','dd','H','M','S',0,b'+',time_offset,0) which will be b'\x07\xe3\x04\x04\x0b\x02!\x07+\r\x00' and can be sent to the above snmpV3string function