If I have a makefile that calls another makefile, how to I get the master makefile to correctly check if the dependencies of the subordinate makefile have changed?
For example, if I have the rule
@cd $(SERVERDIR) && $(MAKE)
That invokes make in the subdirectory in which I build an executable "server". However, if I change one of the files that make up server, the parent make doesn't see the changes and refuses to rebuild server - "make: `server' is up to date."
How can I get the master makefile to correctly detect when there's a change in one of the dependent files (something like $(SERVERDIR)/server.c, for example?
It looks like you want to use a phony target
.PHONY: server
@cd $(SERVERDIR) && $(MAKE)
There's a detailed description of the Phony target here, but the short description is you're telling the makefile that there will never be a file that corresponds with this server target, and therefore it won't consider server up to date if there is a file named server in the directory.