In Windows XP, you can create a toolbar by right clicking on the taskbar, and selecting toolbars>new toolbar, then select a folder. A toolbar will be made with the contents of your folder.
Is there a way to do this programmatically? Preferably from a script?
The only documentation I can find on this is about creating a new toolbar, ie a new deskband object, with controls etc.
You are talking about IShellFolderBand, but if you look at this newsgroup thread you will see that there is no (documented) way to add your IShellFolderBand to explorers band site.
The only alternative I could think of is to implement your own shell extension, it should be pretty easy since all it has to do is create a instance of IShellFolderBand, call IShellFolderBand->InitializeSFB() with a PIDL or IShellFolder and just pass on the other calls to this object (Your shell extension is just a simple proxy)