I'm using urllib to parse a url, but I was wanting it to take input from a text box so I could put in multiple url's whenever I needed instead of changing the code to parse just one url. I tried using tkinter but I couldn't figure out how to get urllib to grab the input from that.
You haven't provided much information on your use case but let's pretend you have multiple URLs already and that part is working.
def retrieve_input(list_of_urls):
for url in list_of_urls:
# do parsing as needed
Now if you wanted to have a way to get more than one URL and put them in a list, maybe you would do something like:
list_of_urls = []
while True:
url = input('What is your URL?')
if url != 'Stop':
With that example you would probably want to control inputs more but just to give you an idea. If you are expecting to get help with the tkinter portion, you'll need to provide more information and examples of what you have tried, your expected input (and method), and expected output.