I would like to extend the W algorithm to the inference of tuples and lists in F#, a priori, there are only two rules to add, which I did, however, the result is partially bad.
Indeed, if I test a code like these:
test = (8, "Hello", 0.3) -- test :: (TInt, TString, TFloat)
id :: a -> a
id x = x -- id :: a -> a
foo = id 8 -- foo :: TInt
it works, on the other hand, as detailed in the examples below, a code like this one will not work:
makePair = (\x -> (x, x)) -- makePair :: a -> (a, a)
pair = makePair 7
and pair
will be inferred as (a, a)
instead of (TInt, TInt)
Same for the lists.
I used this paper to write my type checker.
I really don't understand what's jamming. Here is the minimum functional program used for these examples:
module Typechecker
type Identifier = string
and Expr =
| Var of Identifier
| Lambda of Identifier * Expr
| Apply of Expr * Expr
| Let of Identifier * Expr * Expr
| Literal of Literal
| Tuple of Expr list
| List of Expr list
and Literal =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| String of string
and Statement =
| Signature of Identifier * Type
| Declaration of Identifier * Expr
and Type =
| TVar of Identifier
| TInt
| TFloat
| TString
| TArrow of Type * Type
| TTuple of Type list
| TList of Type
type Program = Program of Statement list
type Scheme = Scheme of string list * Type
and TypeEnv = Map<Identifier, Scheme>
and Subst = Map<string, Type>
type Env =
{ mutable _functions: Function list }
member this.containsFunction name =
this._functions |> List.exists (fun f -> f._name = name)
member this.getFunction name =
|> List.find (fun (f: Function) -> f._name = name)
member this.getFunctionType name =
(this.getFunction name)._type
member this.hasFunctionImplementation name =
if this.containsFunction name
then (this.getFunction name)._value.IsSome
else false
member this.getFunctionValue name =
(this.getFunction name)._value.Value
/// Updates the value of a function in the environment
member this.updateFunction_value name value =
(this.getFunction name)._value <- Some value
/// Updates the type of a function in the environment
member this.updateFunction_type name ty =
(this.getFunction name)._type <- ty
member this.addFunction name ty value =
{ _functions =
[{ _name = name;
_type = ty;
_value = value }] }
and Function =
{ _name: Identifier;
mutable _type: Type;
mutable _value: Expr option }
and DataType =
{ _name: Identifier;
_isAlias: bool;
_constructors: Ctor list option
_alias: Type option }
and Ctor = Term of Identifier | Product of Type list
let newEnv = { _functions = [] }
module Type =
let rec ftv = function
| TInt -> Set.empty
| TFloat -> Set.empty
| TString -> Set.empty
| TVar name -> Set.singleton name
| TArrow(t1, t2) -> Set.union (ftv t1) (ftv t2)
| TTuple ts -> List.fold (fun acc t -> Set.union acc (ftv t)) Set.empty ts
| TList t -> Set.singleton (toString t)
and apply s t =
match t with
| TVar name ->
match Map.tryFind name s with
| Some t -> t
| None -> TVar name
| TArrow (t1, t2) ->
TArrow(apply s t1, apply s t2)
| TInt | TFloat | TString -> t
| _ -> t
and parens s =
sprintf "(%s)" s
and braces s =
sprintf "{ %s }" s
and toString t =
let rec parenType t' =
match t' with
| TArrow(_, _) -> parens (toString t')
| _ -> toString t'
match t with
| TVar name -> name
| TInt -> "Integer"
| TFloat -> "Float"
| TString -> "String"
| TArrow(t1, t2) ->
(parenType t1) + " -> " + (toString t2)
| TTuple ts -> sprintf "(%s)" (System.String.Join(", ", List.map toString ts))
| TList t -> sprintf "[%s]" (toString t)
module Scheme =
let rec ftv (scheme: Scheme) =
match scheme with
| Scheme(variables, t) ->
Set.difference(Type.ftv t) (Set.ofList variables)
and apply (s: Subst) (scheme: Scheme) =
match scheme with
| Scheme(variables, t) ->
let newSubst = List.foldBack (fun key currentSubst -> Map.remove key currentSubst) variables s
let newType = Type.apply newSubst t
Scheme(variables, newType)
module TypeEnv =
let rec remove (env: TypeEnv) (var: Identifier) =
Map.remove var env
and ftv (typeEnv: TypeEnv) =
Seq.foldBack (fun (KeyValue(_, v)) state ->
Set.union state (Scheme.ftv v)) typeEnv Set.empty
and apply (s: Subst) (env: TypeEnv) =
Map.map (fun _ value -> Scheme.apply s value) env
module Subst =
let compose s1 s2 =
Map.union (Map.map (fun _ (v: Type) -> Type.apply s1 v) s2) s1
let rec generalize (env: TypeEnv) (t: Type) =
let variables =
Set.difference (Type.ftv t) (TypeEnv.ftv env)
|> Seq.toList
Scheme(variables, t)
and private currentId = ref 'a'
and nextId () =
let id = !currentId
currentId := (char ((int !currentId) + 1))
and resetId () = currentId := 'a'
and newTyVar () =
TVar(sprintf "%c" (nextId ()))
and instantiate (ts: Scheme) =
match ts with
| Scheme(variables, t) ->
let nvars = variables |> List.map (fun name -> newTyVar ())
let s = List.zip variables nvars |> Map.ofList
Type.apply s t
and varBind a t =
match t with
| TVar name when name = a -> Map.empty
| _ when Set.contains a (Type.ftv t) ->
failwithf "Occur check fails: `%s` vs `%s`" a (Type.toString t)
| _ -> Map.singleton a t
and unify (t1: Type) (t2: Type) : Subst =
match t1, t2 with
| TVar a, t | t, TVar a -> varBind a t
| TInt, TInt -> Map.empty
| TFloat, TFloat -> Map.empty
| TString, TString -> Map.empty
| TArrow(l, r), TArrow(l', r') ->
let s1 = unify l l'
let s2 = unify (Type.apply s1 r) (Type.apply s1 r')
Subst.compose s2 s1
| TTuple ts, TTuple ts' ->
if ts.Length <> ts'.Length
then failwithf "Types do not unify: `%s` vs `%s`" (Type.toString t1) (Type.toString t2)
else List.fold Subst.compose Map.empty (List.map2 unify ts ts')
| TList t, TList t' ->
unify t t'
| _ -> failwithf "Types do not unify: `%s` vs `%s`" (Type.toString t1) (Type.toString t2)
and tiLit = function
| Literal.Int _ -> Type.TInt
| Literal.Float _ -> Type.TFloat
| Literal.String _ -> Type.TString
and tiExpr (env: TypeEnv) (exp: Expr) : Subst * Type =
match exp with
| Var name ->
match Map.tryFind name env with
| Some sigma ->
let t = instantiate sigma
(Map.empty, t)
| None -> failwithf "Unbound variable: `%s`" name
| Literal lit -> (Map.empty, tiLit lit)
| Let(id, expr, in') ->
let s1, t1 = tiExpr env expr
let env1 = TypeEnv.remove env id
let scheme = generalize (TypeEnv.apply s1 env) t1
let env2 = Map.add id scheme env1
let s2, t2 = tiExpr (TypeEnv.apply s1 env2) in'
(Subst.compose s2 s1, t2)
| Lambda(id, value) ->
let tv = newTyVar ()
let env1 = TypeEnv.remove env id
let env2 = Map.union env1 (Map.singleton id (Scheme([], tv)))
let s1, t1 = tiExpr env2 value
(s1, TArrow(Type.apply s1 tv, t1))
| Tuple values ->
(Map.empty, TTuple(List.map (fun v -> snd (tiExpr env v)) values))
| List ts ->
let tv = newTyVar ()
if ts.IsEmpty
then (Map.empty, TList tv)
let _, t1 = tiExpr env ts.[0]
if List.forall (fun t -> snd (tiExpr env t) = t1) ts
then (Map.empty, TList t1)
else failwith "Not all items in the list are of the same type"
| Apply(e1, e2) ->
let s1, t1 = tiExpr env e1
let s2, t2 = tiExpr (TypeEnv.apply s1 env) e2
let tv = newTyVar ()
let s3 = unify (Type.apply s2 t1) (TArrow(t2, tv))
(Subst.compose (Subst.compose s3 s2) s1, Type.apply s3 tv)
and expression_typeInference env exp =
let s, t = tiExpr env exp
Type.apply s t
and updateExprEnv (env: Env) =
let mutable env' = Map.empty
(fun (f: Function) ->
env' <- env'.Add(f._name, Scheme([f._name], f._type))
) env._functions
let rec public statement_typecheck (env: Env) stmt =
let exprEnv = updateExprEnv env
match stmt with
| Signature(id, dastType) ->
typecheck_signature env id dastType
| Declaration(id, value) ->
typecheck_decl env id value exprEnv
and private typecheck_signature (env: Env) id ty =
if env.hasFunctionImplementation id
then failwithf "The type of a function cannot be defined after its implementation (`%s`)" id
else env.addFunction id ty None
and private typecheck_decl (env: Env) id value exprEnv =
let _, t_exp = tiExpr exprEnv value
if env.containsFunction id
then if env.hasFunctionImplementation id
then failwithf "Already declared function: `%s`" id
let t_sgn = (env.getFunction id)._type
let unapp = try (Type.apply ((unify t_sgn t_exp)) t_exp)
|> Ok with exn -> failwithf "%s" exn.Message
if match unapp with Result.Ok _ -> true
then env.updateFunction_value id value
else failwithf "The signature of `%s` is different than the type of its value\n (`%s` vs `%s`)"
id (Type.toString t_sgn) (Type.toString t_exp)
else env.addFunction id t_exp (Some value)
let typecheck_document (document: Program) =
let mutable docenv = newEnv
match document with Program stmts ->
List.iter (fun stmt -> docenv <- statement_typecheck docenv stmt) stmts
module Main
open Inference
let main _ =
let test1 =
[Declaration("makePair", Lambda("x", Tuple([Var "x"; Var "x"]))); // makePair = (\x -> (x, x))
Declaration("pair", Apply(Var "makePair", Literal (Int 7)))] // pair = makePair 7
let infer1 = typecheck_document (Program test1)
printfn "Env1: %A" infer1
let test2 =
[Signature("id", TArrow(TVar "a", TVar "a")); // id :: a -> a
Declaration("id", Lambda("x", Var "x")) // id x = x
Declaration("foo", Apply(Var "id", Literal (Int 7)))] // foo = id 7
let infer2 = typecheck_document (Program test2)
printfn "Env2: %A" infer2
Here is the output:
Env1: {_functions =
[{_name = "makePair";
_type = TArrow (TVar "a",TTuple [TVar "a"; TVar "a"]);
_value = Some (Lambda ("x",Tuple [Var "x"; Var "x"]));};
{_name = "pair";
_type = TTuple [TVar "a"; TVar "a"];
_value = Some (Apply (Var "makePair",Literal (Int 7)));}];}
Env2: {_functions =
[{_name = "id";
_type = TArrow (TVar "a",TVar "a");
_value = Some (Lambda ("x",Var "x"));};
{_name = "test";
_type = TInt;
_value = Some (Apply (Var "id",Literal (Int 7)));}];}
So we can see that the inference works correctly for the first test, but not for the second (as shown above).
I would like to solve and understand this bug, and I thank you in advance for your help.
As far as I read in your code, it seems like you're missing a branch in apply
Indeed, when t
is a Tuple []
, you're basically only returning it...which well will of course not work. :)
I suggest adding one branch to the match, with t
as a Tuple types
, with a map (\t -> apply s t) types
(sorry, I don't know much F# syntax).
Hope it helps. :)