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CEFSHARP - ChromiumWebBrowser on get table row cell values

I solved most of my problems, but I couldn't find a solution for one of them. Previously, I was using Windows WebBrowser and getting a table result on a query screen in a dealer panel. Like this;

foreach (HtmlElement htmlobj in webBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("Table"))
     if (htmlobj.GetAttribute("className") == "table table-striped")
          foreach (HtmlElement tr in htmlobj.GetElementsByTagName("tbody"))
               foreach (HtmlElement td in tr.Children)
                    string s0 =  td.Children[0].InnerText;
                    string s1 =  td.Children[1].InnerText;

How can I do this with ChromiumWebBrowser?

Thanks a lot for helps... ^_^


  • This can be achieved in CefSharp using EvaluateScriptAsync, by executing JavaScript to find the table's td elements and return them as an array, which C# will receive as a List<object>

    If you didn't already know, you have to usually wait until the page's MainFrame has loaded before executing any JavaScript, which you could implement like:

    ChromiumWebBrowser browser = new ChromiumWebBrowser(""); // <- Your URL there
    browser.FrameLoadEnd += (sender, args) =>
      // Wait for the MainFrame to finish loading
          GetTable(); // method to call that executes JavaScript, etc

    More information about when you can start executing JavaScript.

    Now, this is the code I made for EvaluateScriptAsync to return the td's innerText into C#:

    // assuming "browser" is the ChromiumWebBrowser and you're ready to start executing JavaScript (see above code)
    private void GetTable ()
        const string script = @"(function(){
            let table = document.querySelector('table.table.table-striped'); // <table class='table table-striped'>
            let td = table.getElementsByTagName('td');
            return [ td[0].innerText, td[1].innerText ];
        browser.GetMainFrame().EvaluateScriptAsync(script).ContinueWith(x =>
            var response = x.Result;
            if (response.Success && response.Result != null)
                // We cast values as CefSharp wouldn't know what to expect
                List<object> jsResult = (List<object>)response.Result;
                string s1 = (string)jsResult[0]; // td[0].innerText
                string s2 = (string)jsResult[1]; // td[1].innerText
                Console.WriteLine("s1: " + s1);
                Console.WriteLine("s2: " + s2);
                // In my example HTML page, it will output:
                // s1: This is 1st
                // s2: This is 2nd

    I made this HTML example to test it on, as you didn't provide any:

    <table class="table table-striped">
            <td>This is 1st</td>
            <td>This is 2nd</td>