I am trying to pass value from string variable to complex bash command and I have problem with it. When I executing commands:
files=($(ls abc*))
for file in "${files[@]}"
scp $file user@domain.com:~
ssh user@domain.com 'PGPASSWORD="abcd" psql -h domain.com -U user -d dbb -f ~/$file'
ssh user@domain.com 'rm ~/$file'
I get some errors. Only 'scp' is right executed but lines after them go fail. I am seeing "missing parameter for psql -f" and "file not found / cannot remove dictionary" What is problem with this code? How to pass string value to ssh commands?
Single quotes will prevent the remote shell from receiving your variable. Don't use ls
in scripts. Quote your variables. Use http://shellcheck.net/ before asking for human review.
for file in abc*
scp "$file" user@domain.com:~
ssh user@domain.com "PGPASSWORD='abcd' psql -h domain.com -U user -d dbb -f ~/'$file';
rm ~/'$file'"
The quoting here is slightly tricky, and won't work if your file names might contain e.g. literal single quotes. The double quotes cause the local shell to expand $file
; then the expanded value is in single quotes to prevent the remote ssh from manipulating it any further.
I took out the array because it didn't seem to serve any useful purpose. If you want an array, assign it simply with a wildcard: