Is there any way of getting the object/component the user selects on the report's editor? I mean, is there any way of Delphi application being aware of which item/object/component has been selected?
for instance, if I click on a TfrxMemoView or TfrxPictureView I would like my Delphi app to identify that object so that you can work with it, something like this...
myMemo := myDesigner.getSelected;
myMemo := myReport.getSelected;
I am using FastReports VCL 6.
If you know how to achieve that it would be pretty helpful.
well, in case you need to do the same as I needed, I managed to do so by this:
for I := 0 to Report.Designer.SelectedObjects.Count - 1 do
if TfrxComponent(Report.Designer.SelectedObjects.Items[i]) is TfrxMemoView then
TfrxMemoView(Report.Designer.SelectedObjects.Items[i]).Align:= baLeft;
Report.Designer.ReloadObjects();{to refresh the designer as it was embedded in a panel and I wanted to change components properties on "realtime"}