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Get ACL of folder for a specific user

I'm new to Powershell and I need to know how to list all permissions of a folder for a specific user. This is what I have discovered so far:

However, this does not return any value with the Write-Output command. Changing it to Write-Host didn't work as well. Am I missing some crucial parts?

$user = "testumgebung\cbruehwiler"
$path = "T:\"
$list = Get-ChildItem $path -Recurse | Where-Object {(Get-Acl $_.FullName).Access | Where-Object {$_.IdentityReference -eq $user} }
Write-Output $list

This does return a list with folders, where I have access to. But it would be better if I can get a list with all the folders where I have access to and list the permissions I have (read, write, execute, full control).

This is a sample of the list:

Directory: T:\

Mode: d----

LastWriteTime: 17.04.2019 08:25

Name: TestFolder


  • Here's another alternative. This will store the full output in a list that could be exported to a CSV or similar if wanted.

    $User = "testumgebung\cbruehwiler"
    $Path = "T:\"
    # Generic list object to store output in
    $List = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]
    # Fields we want in list, an array of calculated properties.
    $OutputFields = @(
        @{name="Item" ;       expression={$_.Path.split(':',3)[-1]}}
        @{name="Rights" ;     expression={$Right.FileSystemRights}}
        @{name="AccessType" ; expression={$Right.AccessControlType}}
    # Store all objects in variable
    $FileSystemObjects = Get-ChildItem $Path -Recurse | ForEach-Object {Get-Acl $_.FullName}
    # Iterate through every object
    foreach ($Item in $FileSystemObjects) {
        # Iterate through every individual user right within each object
        # Add it to our list if it matchers our $User
        foreach ($Right in $Item.Access) {
            if ($Right.IdentityReference -eq $User) {
                $List.Add(($Item | Select-Object $OutputFields))
    # Output our list to screen.