lets say I have a form based on the model:
class Meta:
model = Comment
widgets = {"field1": forms.HiddenInput } # option 1
widgets = {"field2": forms.HiddenInput } # option 2
And I have 2 widgets options . First -displays 2nd field but hides 1st and second -other way around. Choice of option 1 or option 2 is based on what ‘key’ variable it would receive from URL kwargs. For example if key == 1 then option 1 is chosen, if key == 2 – then second option is chosen.
<a href="{% url "app:route" key="1 or 2 " pk=object.pk %}"> COMMENT</a>
Question is how to reach self.kwargs dictionary in .forms? Or there is an alternative less dumb way to do it? Final goal is to use one of the options , base oneself on the “key” variable , that is different urls would send different “key = x “ variables.
Where I could implement this sort of logic in Django? Views?
You need to send your form the information on which url is accessed, then you can use this information to choose which widget you want to use.
Change the __init__
of your form:
class Form1(ModelForm):
def __init__(self, key, *args, **kwargs):
super(Form1, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if key == 1:
self.fields['field1'].widget = forms.HiddenInput() # option 1 HiddenInput()
self.fields['field2'].widget = forms.HiddenInput() # option 2 HiddenInput()
class Meta:
model = Comment
Then, in your view, add the key from request's kwargs
in form's kwargs
# views.py
class MyFormView(FormView):
form_class = Form1
def get_form_kwargs(self):
kwargs = super(MyFormView, self).get_form_kwargs()
kwargs['key'] = self.kwargs.get('key')
return kwargs