I'm building a React Native App for both ios and android. Assets (images, sounds, etc.) are all stored locally and preloaded during App's launch by a manager for later use.
Everything works fine on ios in debug & release modes and on android in debug mode but images won't display on android in release mode, even after bundling them.
First assets are preloaded from the Asset Manager in src/assets/index.js
import { Image } from 'react-native'
const assets = {
images: {
'icon.png': require('./images/icon.png')
const preloadedAssets = {}
const getImage = (name, extension = 'png') => {
return getAsset('images', `${name}.${extension}`)
const getAsset = (type, name) => {
return preloadedAssets[type][name]
const preloadImages = () => {
preloadedAssets.images = {}
return Promise.all(
Object.keys(assets.images).map(name => {
const source = Image.resolveAssetSource(assets.images[name])
return Image
.then(() => {
preloadedAssets.images[name] = {
source: assets.images[name],
const preload = () => {
return preloadImages()
export default {
Then images are rendered as follow
import AssetManager from '../assets'
const asset = AssetManager.getImage('icon.png')
<Image source={asset.source} style={{ width: ..., height: ... }} />
I bundled with the following command
react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
I also tried to copy all assets to android/app/src/main/assets/
folder and replace require('./images/icon.png')
with { uri: 'file:///android_asset/images/icon.png' }
but images are still not displayed.
Project structure
I ended up building a react-native project from scratch on version 0.59.4 (previously 0.57.1).
Now everything's working fine, apks can be generated without bundling with following commands :
cd android && ENVFILE=../.env.production ./gradlew assembleProdRelease && cd ..
cd android && ENVFILE=../.env.development ./gradlew assembleDevRelease && cd ..
I also removed Image.prefetch
as it won't work on android release.