I have a div of Spouse Information. When clicking on add button I append duplicate div below the first. But the Dorpdownlist for HomeDistrict does not appear in the append div though level and other input tag works fine. I have added the div that I appended. Everything works fine except dropdownlist.
<div class=" card-body">
<button class="btn-success text-right addspousBtn"><i class="icon icon-plus-square"> </i>Add New Spous</button>
<div class="form-row mt-1 SpousDiv">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="form-group col-12 m-0">
<label for="Username" class="col-form-label s-12"><i class="icon-user mr-2"></i>Name</label>
<input placeholder="Enter Name" class="form-control r-0 light s-12 SpousName" type="text" required>
<div class="form-group col-12 m-0">
<label for="District" class="col-form-label s-12"><i class="icon-address-card mr-2"></i>Home District</label>
<select class="custom-select select2 select2-hidden-accessible HomeDistrict" required="" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true">
<option value="">-Select Home District-</option>
@foreach (var item in ViewBag.Districts)
<option value="@item.DistrictId">@item.DistrictName</option>
var $remove = $('<input type="button" value="Remove" class="remove btn btn-danger" />');
$(".addspousBtn").click(function (e) {
var html = '<hr/><div class="form-row mt-1 SpousDiv"> <div class="col-6"> <div class="form-group col-12 m-0"> <label for="Username" class="col-form-label s-12"><i class="icon-user mr-2"></i>Name</label> <input placeholder="Enter Name" class="form-control r-0 light s-12 SpousName" type="text" required> </div><div class="form-group col-12 m-0"> <label for="RoleId" class="col-form-label s-12"><i class="icon-address-card mr-2"></i>Home District</label><select class="custom-select select2 select2-hidden-accessible HomeDistrict" required="" tabindex="-1" aria-hidden="true"><option value="">-Select Home District-</option>@foreach (var item in ViewBag.Districts){<option value="@item.DistrictId">@item.DistrictName</option>}</select></div></div></div>';
var $lastDiv = $(".card-body").find(".SpousDiv").last();
and the js code to append new div
You can use
@Html.DropDownList("Districts", null, "-Select Home District-", new {@class="custom-select select2 select2-hidden-accessible HomeDistrict" })
and you must add $(".select2").select2();
to click js for the new appended element
<div class=" card-body">
<button class="btn-success text-right addspousBtn">
<i class="icon icon-plus-square"> </i>
Add New Spous
<div class="form-row mt-1 SpousDiv">
<div class="col-6">
<div class="form-group col-12 m-0">
<label for="Username" class="col-form-label s-12">
<i class="icon-user mr-2"></i>
<input placeholder="Enter Name" class="form-control r-0 light s-12 SpousName" type="text" required>
<div class="form-group col-12 m-0">
<label for="District" class="col-form-label s-12">
<i class="icon-address-card mr-2"></i>
Home District
@Html.DropDownList("Districts", null, "-Select Home District-", new {@class="custom-select select2 select2-hidden-accessible HomeDistrict"
var $remove = $('<input type="button" value="Remove" class="remove btn btn-danger" />');
$(".addspousBtn").click(function(e) {
var html = '<hr/><div class="form-row mt-1 SpousDiv"> <div class="col-6"> <div class="form-group col-12 m-0"> <label for="Username" class="col-form-label s-12"><i class="icon-user mr-2"></i>Name</label> <input placeholder="Enter Name" class="form-control r-0 light s-12 SpousName" type="text" required> </div><div class="form-group col-12 m-0"> <label for="RoleId" class="col-form-label s-12"><i class="icon-address-card mr-2"></i>Home District</label>@Html.DropDownList("Districts", null, "-Select Home District-", new {@class="custom-select select2 select2-hidden-accessible HomeDistrict" })</div></div></div>';
var $lastDiv = $(".card-body").find(".SpousDiv").last();