First time posting here, so apologies if I don't follow formatting guidelines or anything.
I'm writing a terminal-like utility tool for, among other things, bulk file editing. My goal was to have every function be three letters ling, a bit like in Assembly. For example, mkd("yeet")
makes a directory called yeet.
The basic way it works is as follows: I define a whole bunch of functions, and then I set up a while True
loop, that prints the eval()
of whatever I type.
So far, everything's going pretty well, except for one thing. I want to be able to call functions without having to add the brackets. Any parameters should be added afterwards, like using sys.argscv[1]
Here is a link to the GitHub repo.
Is this possible in Python, if so, how?
Obviously, just typing the name of the function will return me <function pwd at 0x7f6c4d86f6a8>
or something along those lines.
Thanks in advance,
Walrus Gumboot
Here's a simple example if you want to parse the string yourself, that's easily extendable.
def mkd(*args):
if len(args) == 1:
print("Making", *args)
print("mdk only takes 1 argument.")
def pwd(*args):
if len(args) == 0:
print("You're here!")
print("pwd doesn't take any arguments.")
def add(*args):
if len(args) == 2:
if args[0].isdigit() and args[1].isdigit():
print("Result:", int(args[0]) + int(args[1]))
print("Can only add two numbers!")
print("add takes exactly 2 arguments.")
def exit(*args):
functions = {'mkd': mkd, 'pwd': pwd, 'add': add, 'exit': exit} # The available functions.
while True:
command, *arguments = input("> ").strip().split(' ') # Take the user's input and split on spaces.
if command not in functions:
print("Couldn't find command", command)