I have to encrypt a file line by line using the RC4 algorithm.
Encrypting the whole file and decrypting the whole file yields the original which is fine.
When I attempt to read the file one line at a time,encrypt it and then write the encrypted line to file, decryption of the resulting file yields just one correct line which is the first line of the original file.
I have tried to read the file and feed it to rc4 routine using a byte array whose size is a multiple of the key length but the results were the same. Here is my attempt:
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader((new FileReader(fileToEncrypt)));
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("C:\\Users\\nikaselo\\Documents\\Encryption\\encrypted.csv", true);
File file = new File("C:\\Users\\nikaselo\\Documents\\Encryption\\encrypted.csv");
// encrypt
while ((line = br.readLine()) != null)
byte [] encrypt = fed.RC4(line.getBytes(), pwd);
if (encrypt != null) dos.write(encrypt);
// test decrypt
FileInputStream fis = null;
fis = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] input = new byte[512];
int bytesRead;
while ((bytesRead = fis.read(input)) != -1)
byte [] de= fed.RC4(input, pwd);
String result = new String(de);
catch (Exception ex)
and here is my RC4 function
public byte [] RC4 (byte [] Str, String Pwd) throws Exception
int[] Sbox = new int [256] ;
int A, B,c,Tmp;;
byte [] Key = {};
byte [] ByteArray = {};
if ((Pwd.length() == 0 || Str.length == 0))
byte [] arr = {};
return arr;
if(Pwd.length() > 256)
Key = Pwd.substring(0, 256).getBytes();
Key = Pwd.getBytes();
for( A = 0 ; A <= 255; A++ )
Sbox[A] = A;
A = B = c= 0;
for (A = 0; A <= 255; A++)
B = (B + Sbox[A] + Key[A % Pwd.length()]) % 256;
Tmp = Sbox[A];
Sbox[A] = Sbox[B];
Sbox[B] = Tmp;
A = B = c= 0;
ByteArray = Str;
for (A = 0; A <= Str.length -1 ; A++)
B = (B + 1) % 256;
c = (c + Sbox[B]) % 256;
Tmp = Sbox[B];
Sbox[B] = Sbox[c];
Sbox[c] = Tmp;
ByteArray[A] = (byte) (ByteArray[A] ^ (Sbox[(Sbox[B] + Sbox[c]) % 256]));
return ByteArray;
Running this gives me one clean line and the rest is just unreadable.
You are encrypting line by line, but you are trying to decrypt in 512 bytes blocks.
Your options, as I see it are:
Probably 1 is the easiest (and the one used in real encryption), but if you have to do it line by line, I would go with 3 even though this introduces a vulnerability, but it's RC4 which is no longer considered secure anyway.