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Restrict editing access of webpages in odoo

It would be great to extend the odoo website module with some additional features. Obviously a new module needs to be created. Not every website user should be allowed to edit every page of the website.

Example: Company X uses the website module in odoo. Admin A prepares the homepage of the website by using the website builder. Now user B opens the website builder. He should not be able to edit selected pages like the homepage, contact us page ... but get access to some features like adding and editing a new page about some topics.

Is that possible and what's the best way to accomplish that?


  • As stated in, to be able to modify a record (on the model in this case) the user access rights (on ir.model.access) are checked.

    So, I would suggest creating/editing a group, add some users and then go to the "Record Rules" tab and add a line such as the following:

    • Name: Disable homepage editing
    • Object: Page (
    • Domain: [('id','not in',[1])]
    • Apply for read: [x]
    • Apply for write: [x]
    • Apply for create: [ ]
    • Apply for delete: [ ]

    That rule should allow the group members to edit (write) a website page as long as its id is not 1 (that is, homepage).

    Note: You can't use ref on the domain expression, only two objects are available in the context: user (the current user) and time (the Python module).