I'm having trouble putting an object in and putting it in the state of my application.
I need to mount an object with the data returned from firebase.user
and user.getIdTokenResult(true)
userLogged = {
uid: user.uid,
displayName: user.displayName
admin: false,
const token = await user.getIdTokenResult (true);
userLogged.admin = token.claims.admin;
The logic is similar to the one above, however I need to do this using only the Rxjs operators so that I can seclude this object in the state of my application.
getUser$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$.pipe(
switchMap(() => this.authService.getUser().pipe(
map(user => {
const userLogged = {
uid: user.uid,
displayName: user.displayName,
admin: false,
// **** i need call user.getIdTokenResult() ******
// and get claims.admin and assign to userLogged object admin.
// authState = {
// uid: user.uid,
// displayName: user.displayName,
// admin: true, // true or false
// }
return new auth.Authenticated(userLogged);
catchError((err => of(new auth.AuthError(err))))
I'm still adapting myself using reactive programming using Rxjs, so I'm having a hard time merging encapsulated Observables data.
You can use .map()
to "retain" the values of user
object in your authService.getUser()
result. It works albeit being dirty.
getUser$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
switchMap(() => this.authService.getUser()),
switchMap(user => user.getIdTokenResult().pipe(map(claims => ({claims, user}))), //map the user to "retain"
switchMap(({claims, user}) => {
const userLogged = {
uid: user.uid,
displayName: user.displayName,
admin: claims.admin,
return new auth.Authenticated(userLogged);
catchError(err => of(new auth.AuthError(err)))))
If you want to retrain more values, suggest that you look into Subjects
so that it is cleaner (and the correct way of doing it).