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Browser Progress Tracker in Blackberry BrowserField

Has anyone been able to implement a progress tracker bar for a BrowserField in blackberry i'm struggling with this. I want to tell the user that something is actually happening when he opens the browser field in my app.

I already checked the BrowserFieldProgressBar demo, but that only works on OS 6 since it's for BrowserField2. Either a progress bar or a dialog with a gif works. I tried implementing the following, but the PopUpScreen doesn't show over the browser field and once i exit the browserfield it gets stuck:

public class BrowserPopUpScreen extends MainScreen{

    private GridFieldManager _manager;
    private BrowserField _browserField; // Campo de la interfaz que se utiliza para mostrar una página web

    private final String GRAPH_URL = ""; // URL de Graph API de Facebook.
    private final String NEXT_URL = ""; // URL adonde se redirige al usuario cuando la operacion es exitosa.
    private final String APPLICATION_KEY = "e1812f3b71678c8e0017831cc4cbc87a"; // Llave de la aplicación en Facebook. 
    private final String APPLICATION_SECRET = ""; // Secreto de la aplicacion en Facebook.
    private final String APPLICATION_ID = ""; // ID de la aplicacion en Facebook.

    public static final int FACEBOOK_SIGNUP = 1; // Constante que indica que el usuario desea registrarse con Facebook
    public static final int FACEBOOK_LINK = 2; // Constante que indica que el usuario desea conectar su cuenta de Facebook a la cuenta de Social Voice

     * Construye la pantalla de browser.
     * Dependiendo te la acción que recibe en caso de ser FACEBOOK_SIGNUP
     * peticiona en envió de información de usuario a Facebook, en caso contrario
     * solo pide un token de acceso para el usuario.
     * @param manager
     *          Administrador de contenido que utilizará la pantalla
     * @param action
     *          Acción que se realizará, en caso de ser registro la
     *          acción será FACEBOOK_SIGNUP, en caso de solo conectar 
     *          Fonyk con Facebook será FACEBOOK_LINK
    public BrowserPopUpScreen(GridFieldManager manager, final int action)
        _manager = manager;

        _browserField = new BrowserField();

        // Se crea el URL de la petición y se hace el llamado a dicho URL 
        _browserField.requestContent(new StringBuffer().append("").append(APPLICATION_ID).append("&").append("redirect_uri=").append(NEXT_URL).append("&").append("scope=offline_access,publish_stream,email").append("&display=wap").toString());

        final LoadingScreen loadingScreen = new LoadingScreen();
        //Este metodo detecta cuando se realiza un cambio en el BrowserField
        BrowserFieldListener browserListener = new BrowserFieldListener() {

            public void documentLoaded(BrowserField browserField, Document document) throws Exception
                //Se verifica si es nuestro URL de redirección

                    String url = _browserField.getDocumentUrl();
                    String code = getElement(url, "code");

                    //Si la petición fue exitosa al URL se le agrega un campo code
                    //revisamos si este no es uno para continuar con la operacion

                        //Creamos un cliente http para hacer un GET y obtener el token
                        //de acceso
                        HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(MainApp.connFactory);

                        //Se crea un hashtable que va a contener la información de nuestra aplicación
                        //y el código proporcionado previamente
                        Hashtable data = new Hashtable();

                        data.put("client_id", APPLICATION_ID);
                        data.put("redirect_uri", NEXT_URL);
                        data.put("client_secret", APPLICATION_SECRET);
                        data.put("code", code);

                        StringBuffer response = httpClient.doGet(GRAPH_URL.concat("/oauth/access_token"), data);

                        if(response.length() == 0)
                            throw new Exception();

                        //Se obtiene el token de acceso de la respuesta y se asigna a nuestro
                        //objeto usuario
                        String accessToken = getElement(response.toString(), "access_token");


                        //Si la acción a realizar es de registro, se utiliza el token de acceso
                        //para peticionar los datos del usuario a FB
                        if(action == FACEBOOK_SIGNUP)
                            data.put("access_token", accessToken);

                            response = null;

                            response = httpClient.doGet(GRAPH_URL.concat("/me"), data);

                            JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject(response.toString());

                            // Al obtener una respuesta se establecen los valores en el objeto definido
                            // inicialmente en la aplicacion
//                          MainApp.facebookUserInfo.set_birthday(jsonResponse.optString("birthday"));

                        //Se invoca a la aplicación para cerrar esta pantalla después de 
                        //completarse la operación
                        UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(new Runnable() {

                            public void run() {


    private class LoadingScreen extends PopupScreen{
        private AnimatedGIFField _loader;
        public LoadingScreen(){
            super(new VerticalFieldManager());
            GIFEncodedImage ourAnimation = (GIFEncodedImage) GIFEncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource("ajax-loader (7).gif");
            _loader = new AnimatedGIFField(ourAnimation, Field.FIELD_HCENTER);

        public boolean onClose() {
            return super.onClose();

     * Extra un valor especificado del URL
     * @param url 
                URL del cuál se va a extraer un valor
     * @param element
                Elemento que se desea obtener
     * @return
    private String getElement(String url, String element)
        int startIndex = url.indexOf(element);

        if (startIndex > -1) {
            int stopIndex = url.length();

            if (url.indexOf('&', startIndex) > -1) {
                stopIndex = url.indexOf('&', startIndex);
            } else if (url.indexOf(';', startIndex) > -1) {
                stopIndex = url.indexOf(';', startIndex);

            element = url.substring(url.indexOf('=', startIndex) + 1, stopIndex);

            return element;

        return "";


  • At a glance 4 things look odd to me:

    1). you are settings listener AFTER you have requested the content (so it may happen the page can be loaded BEFORE the listener will be able to react).

    2). loadingScreen.onClose(); - what do you expect this will do?

    3). UiApplication.getUiApplication().getActiveScreen().close(); - are you really sure which screen you are closing? Looks like your are an incurable optimist.

    4). I've never used BrowserFieldListener, so this point is just a guess: BrowserFieldListener has other callbacks including those for failures. So what if BrowserField.requestContent(String url) fails (there could be a dozen potential reasons for that) - will that end up calling the same callback you are using?


    I guess the problem is all what you're doing happens sequentially on a UI-thread. So you push a progress screen, do sthm useful, then close the progress - all this happens on a UI-thread sequentially. In this case you do not give the UI-framework a chance to actually display/draw the progress screen. To draw a screen the UI-thread needs some FREE cpu time. When UI-thread comes to the point where it could start drawing the progress screen it finds there is no need to do it already, because the progress screen has been closed.

    A simple (and dirty) workaround would be to call UiApplication.repaint() right after you push the progress screen. This method does the following:

    Repaints entire display.

    Invoke this method to repaint the entire display. It invalidates, and then paints, each screen on the display stack.