What is the designated way to handle alternating content in the active tab of a tabGroup? In my case I have a tableview with a toolbar on top, and when a row is clicked, I'd like to switch the content in that tab to a new content with a different (edit) toolbar.
In the KitchenSink demo app the window is just replaced as far as I can see. Is this the way to go? How are transitions handled?
Thank you for your answers, Chris
You can open the new window on the current tab:
This will use the standard iOS navigation transition animation.
Also, you can configure a window's navigation bar (top bar) without needing to create and add a toolbar using Window properties like title, leftNavButton, rightNavButton. For example, create an edit button and then do:
newWindow.rightNavButton = editButton;
Also, you can create a standard edit button by setting the systemButton property to Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.EDIT
Finally, to create a system button with any title, set title property and also set the style property to Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButtonStyle.BORDERED