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out of memory error when use the VisualVm to analysis heap dump

when use the heap dump of visualVm, there is an option to see all the instances of a specific class, but when the instances is to much, i got this error:

out of memory in heap walker: To avoid this error,increase the -Xmx value in the etc/netbeans.conf file in NetBeans IDE installation directory.

But the error should have nothing to do with the netbeans.conf, it should be something like a visualVM.conf file. And I also did not find the configuration file in my jdk. So how can i solve this error?


  • There are two solutions for this :

    • 1.using command line to start the JvisualVM, e.g: jvisualvm -J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx2048m
    • 2.update the properties in %JDK_HOME%\lib\visualvm\etc\visualvm.conf

    Option 1 is more convenient and recommended