I am porting a C library code for windows into android
When I create a dynamically allocated array in the NDK C code, the variables viewer window only shows me the address of the first element, and the value of the first element
I would like to see all the array's members in the phone's memory
Is there a memory viewer or something similar for NDK in android studio?
Or as an alternative, can I do some kind of memory dump in the lldb console?
You can print a dynamically allocated int array using LLDB print
(in short p
) command like below:(modify the size and type according to your own case)
(lldb) print *(int (*)[5])foo2
It will give output all the elements of the int array. See below screenshot:
For a GUI style, you can select Variables tab and add a new watch using similar statement as command line said above, see below screenshot:
And then:
Unfold the watched statement, you will see all the elements as below:
Edit #1
Using parray
command is simpler:
(lldb) parray 5 foo2
(int *) $5 = 0x000072e200e2da70 {
(int) [0] = 20
(int) [1] = 8
(int) [2] = 55
(int) [3] = 6
(int) [4] = 52