A pc only know 1 and 0(which is a switch on or off). Then does that mean everything we have on a pc can be wrote in binary code?
I mean, can we write binary code to create even music and videos without doing any record of any sort? Just by coding?
With that thought in mind, I once tried to open a music in text form and copied it into a note-pad and changed its format and it worked. A few years later, I tried it again and it didn't. Any clue?
Yes, you can sit down with a program equivalent to Notepad that writes binary files by taking your document of 0s and 1s and you can compose a playable MP3 of a classical violin concerto or a high-definition digital rendering of the Mona Lisa or even an animated GIF of the complete Lord of the Rings trilogy. All data on computers are just strings of 0 and 1.