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Printing the height by round of changing object value

I am trying to print the height of my object round by round. It starts at a height of 100 Feet. The catch is, it can go either up or down depending on how much energy is spent per turn. I am having a hard time trying to account for instances with I would go beyond 100---the initial starting height. The goal is an asterisk will appear next to the height of the gameObject, rounding down the nearest 10 value;

I've tried incrementing I when the opposite condition is met, but it just floods the console. Perhaps my sense of logic is just completely off here.

public void printlocation(Object gameObject)
    int heightToPrint = (gameObject.GetHeight() - (gameObject.GetHeight() % 10));

    for (int i = heightToPrint; i >= 0; i -= 10)
        if (i == heightToPrint)   

As it stands now it prints asterisks for each iteration of the for loop.


  • You wrote else if (i >= heightToPrint) instead of else if (i == heightToPrint). Also don't do i += 10; in the body of the loop. You are already iterating through all values from 100 down to 0. It makes no difference whether the object moved up or downwards. Just print a "*" at the height it is.

    But you can do it easier with

    public void printlocation(Object gameObject)
        int heightToPrint = gameObject.GetHeight() % 10;
        for (int i = 100; i >= 0; i -= 10)
            Console.WriteLine($"{i}m:{(i == heightToPrint ? "*" : "")}");