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How do you put integers onto the end of a list so that it does not become an "Attribute Error" in Python?

I am making an average calculator, which calculates the mean average of numbers that are chosen by the user. Here is my code so far:

p = 1

print("How many numbers would you like the calculate the average of?")
k = int(input())

NUMBERS = ("m")

for x in range(k):
    u = (x + 1)
     print("What is Number ",u,"?",sep="")
    num = int(input())

Expected Result:

How many numbers would you like the calculate the average of?  
What is Number 1?
What is Number 2?

So far, I am trying to see whether it is put onto the end of the list, but it ends up as an Attribute Error.

Actual Result:

How many numbers would you like the calculate the average of?
What is Number 1? 

"Line 12, in NUMBERS.extend("",num,"") AttributeError: "str" object has no attribute "extend".


  • When you have attribute errors like this, make sure the object has the correct type. The error says it's a string, not a list. That's important information.

    In [132]: n = ("m")                                                             
    In [133]: n                                                                     
    Out[133]: 'm'

    () just group things; by themselves they don't create a list (or tuple)

    In [134]: n = ("m",)                                                            
    In [135]: n                                                                     
    Out[135]: ('m',)

    Inclusion of a , creates a tuple. But a tuple does not have an extend method either.

    You want a list:

    In [136]: n = ["m"]                                                             
    In [137]: n                                                                     
    Out[137]: ['m']
    In [138]: n.extend(1,2,3)                                                       
    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
    <ipython-input-138-7b03428a3fa3> in <module>
    ----> 1 n.extend(1,2,3)
    TypeError: extend() takes exactly one argument (3 given)

    and you want to give extend a list, not multiple arguments:

    In [139]: n.extend(["one","two","three"])                                       
    In [140]: n                                                                     
    Out[140]: ['m', 'one', 'two', 'three']