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getting error while using nested form in rails

I am using nested form in rails , parameters are coming in console but not save into the database table

error : Unpermitted parameter: shyain_rekis

Is there mistake in aru_params ? If there then, what is the mistake?

def aru_params
  params.require(:aru).permit(:shyain_rekis_attributes => [:id, :emp_type, :company_leaving_reason, :_destroy])

view :

<%= f.fields_for :shyain_rekis_attributes do |ff| %>
        <td><%= :emp_type,TShyainTouyouJoshinsho::EMP_TYPE,{}, class: 'form-control' , :disabled => @disabled_field %></td>
        <td><%= ff.text_field :company_leaving_reason, class: 'form-control' , :disabled => @disabled_field %></td>
        <td><%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %>
            <%= link_to '削除' ,'#' , class: " btn btn-xs btn-danger remove_record" %>
<% end %>  
Parameters: {"shyain_rekis_attributes"=>{"1555403656594"=> {"shyain_rekis"=>{"emp_type"=>"abc",company_leaving_reason"=>""}, "_destroy"=>"false"}}

I want to resolve error and save data into database table of nested form


  • (You may already have done that, but) To achieve what you want, instantiate the variable in the controller like so:

    def new
      @aru =
    # other stuff...
    def edit
      @aru = Aru.find(params[:id])

    Then you have to pass an instance to the parent form tag, so if you have a symbol as the parameter switch it to the instance, something like this:

    <%= form_for @aru do |f| %>

    For your nested form you don't need to use _attributes as the fields_for argument

    <%= f.fields_for :shyain_rekis do |ff| %>
            <td><%= :emp_type,TShyainTouyouJoshinsho::EMP_TYPE,{}, class: 'form-control' , :disabled => @disabled_field %></td>
            <td><%= ff.text_field :company_leaving_reason, class: 'form-control' , :disabled => @disabled_field %></td>
                <%= ff.hidden_field :_destroy %>
                <%= link_to '削除' ,'#' , class: " btn btn-xs btn-danger remove_record" %>
    <% end %>  

    Don't forget to scope the _destroy hidden field to your nested form, or it will not destroy the related object.