As we know Build compiles all used units and Compile compiles only changed used units. But when you are working with ifdefs and need to change it a lot of times you must Build the project a lot of times. If you have to much libraries that you know that this IFDEF will not change the behavior, there is no reason to build this library again.
What I want to do discovery is a way to say to the IDE that some files was changed and call the Compile and not the Build.
How to get the units and every else I know, but some know how to set the unit as modified?
Couldn't find a why to solve my problem yet. I found a way to set it as modified the problem is that it doesn't force the IDE to build it as I thought it'll. Some one know what checks is made to an archive be sent to compile ?
Solved in a simpler way. I just deleted the DCU of the file and ok, it'll compile it again. :D