I have a table that contains Make, Model, Serial Number, and Invoice Date of machine sales, and I want to pair that up with a table that contains Make, Serial Number, Recorded Usage, Usage Units, and Record Date - except that the Usage/Record Table is HUUUUUUGE and may not have a record for every machine.
I've tried writing an OUTER JOIN, but there's too much data in the Usage/Records table to make this operate efficiently. And I tried to write a CROSS APPLY, but I must have screwed something up, because that didn't seem to work very effectively, either.
Example of files:
My Base Query:
Inv. Date Mk Model Serial
2019-03-29 AA 420D 0FDP09999
2019-03-21 AA A19B-SSL 0DX240481
Usage/Records Table:
Mk Serial Usage Units Record Date
AA 0FDP09999 2345.0 H 2019-03-27
AA 0FDP09999 2349.2 H 2019-03-28
AA 0FDP09999 2351.8 H 2019-03-29
AA 0DX240481 0.0 H 2019-03-21
AA 0DX240481 24.0 H 2019-03-22
The output should be:
Inv. Date Mk Model Serial Usage Units Record Date
2019-03-29 AA 420D 0FDP09999 2351.8 H 2019-03-29
2019-03-21 AA A19B-SSL 0DX240481 0.0 H 2019-03-21
... returning the Usage, Units, and Record Date of ONLY the most recent entry prior to the Invoice Date.
Any suggestions?
To solve this, I ended up creating additional queries outside what was originally my base query.
On the first outer query, I did this ("Invoice Number" is an additional field I invoked to ensure a unique row-numbering, in case a machine was sold once, bought back, and then sold again within the time period):
ELSE ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Q1.[Serial Number], Q1.[Mk], Q1.[Invoice Number] ORDER BY Q1.[Record Date] DESC)
END AS [RowNum]
This ensures that every entry in the table has a sorting mechanism, even if there's no Usage measurement in the joined table.
Then, the next outer query only grabbed the rows with RowNum = 1.