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Using OpenSSL API how can I access a signer's certificate info from a signed file?

I have a CMS envelope with content type 'signedData'. How can I access the signer certificate's information such as validity, subject, issuer and so on?

Given the fact that

$>openssl cms -verify -signer foo.pem ...

writes the signer certificate(s) and I can parse the required info from foo.pem by other means, I deduce that it is available in principle. read in the X509 and drill down to the required info. However, to have to verify the signature in order to obtain a separate X509 object which I can then parse for the required cert info is not what I like to do.

I can extract other data from the CMS such as the signingTime attribute:

    BIO *in = NULL;
    CMS_ContentInfo *cms = NULL;
    STACK_OF(CMS_SignerInfo) *ssi = NULL;
    CMS_SignerInfo *si = NULL;
    int ret = 1;

    in = BIO_new_file(argv[1], "r");
    if (!in)
        goto err;

//    cms = PEM_read_bio_CMS(in, NULL, NULL, NULL);   //PEM
    cms = d2i_CMS_bio(in, NULL);                    //DER
    if (!cms)
        goto err;

    ssi = CMS_get0_SignerInfos(cms);
    if (!ssi)
        goto err;

    int issimax = sk_CMS_SignerInfo_num(ssi);
    for (int issi = 0; issi < issimax; ++issi) {
        si = sk_CMS_SignerInfo_value(ssi, issi);

        //signing time
        int ist = CMS_signed_get_attr_by_NID(si, NID_pkcs9_signingTime, -1);
        X509_ATTRIBUTE *xa = CMS_signed_get_attr(si, ist);
        ASN1_TYPE *at = sk_ASN1_TYPE_value(xa->value.set, 0);
        printTime("signing time", at);   //just a fancy reformat


Following the CLI above I tried to access CMS_SignerInfo's 'signer' member as it is of type X509 (put this in place of the "//..."):

        X509 *c = si->signer;

However c would always be 0x0.

I also tried to get access to the X509 directly from CMS_ContentInfo like:

        STACK_OF(X509) *sc = NULL;
        sc = CMS_get0_signers(cms);
        if (!sc)

        int iscmax = sk_X509_num(sc);
        for (int isc = 0; isc < iscmax; ++isc) {
            X509 *c = NULL;
            c = sk_X509_value(sc, isc);

But the STACK_OF(X509) would also be 0x0 and its count iscmax 0.

How can I get access to the X509, from there to the X509_CINF, and from there to the actual data I need (edit:) without to have to verify the signature first in order to obtain a separate X509 object?

Alternatively, is the information hidden elsewhere in the object tree?


  • I'm going to answer myself...

    The solution

            STACK_OF(X509) *signers = CMS_get0_signers(cms);
            for (int i = 0; i < sk_X509_num(signers); ++i) {
                X509 *signer = sk_X509_value(signers, i);
                //do something with signer

    sketched out above is actually correct.

    It failed because the digest table was not initialized.

    Debugging into CMS_verify() I found that it ultimately failed because EVP_get_digestbyobj() returned NULL. Searching the net for that method name I learned from the manpage that

    The digest table must be initialized using, for example, OpenSSL_add_all_digests() for these functions to work.

    I added OpenSSL_add_all_digests() before my code and it worked.

    edit: Added MCVE (sorry C++ style comments). Pass CMS signed file in DER format as first parameter for this to work.

    #include <openssl/bio.h>
    #include <openssl/cms.h>
    #include "../crypto/cms/cms_lcl.h"  //CMS_SignerInfo_st
    int main(int argc, char **argv)
        if (argc < 2)
            return -1;
        BIO *in = NULL;
        CMS_ContentInfo *cms = NULL;
        int flags = CMS_NO_SIGNER_CERT_VERIFY;  /* compare -noverify CLI switch */
        STACK_OF(CMS_SignerInfo) *signer_infos = NULL;
        CMS_SignerInfo *si = NULL;
        int ret = 1;
        in = BIO_new_file(argv[1], "r");
        if (!in)
            goto err;
    //  cms = PEM_read_bio_CMS(in, NULL, NULL, NULL);   //PEM
        cms = d2i_CMS_bio(in, NULL);
        if (!cms)
            goto err;
    //    We do not need to set up a store in case of CMS_NO_SIGNER_CERT_VERIFY.
    //    If you do, copy it here from apps.c.
    //    X509_STORE *store = setup_verify(/*bio_err*/NULL, /*CAfile*/NULL, /*CApath*/NULL);
    //    if (!store)
    //        goto err;
    //    ...and neither do we need an output just for the cert info
    //    BIO *out = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
    //    if (!out)
    //        goto err;
        //Initialize si->signer (see below).
        if (!CMS_verify(cms, /*certs*/NULL, /*store*/NULL, /*dcont*/NULL, /*out*/NULL, flags))
            goto err;
        signer_infos = CMS_get0_SignerInfos(cms);
        if (!signer_infos)
            goto err;
        for (int i = 0; i < sk_CMS_SignerInfo_num(signer_infos); ++i) {
            printf("%i:\n", i + 1);
            si = sk_CMS_SignerInfo_value(signer_infos, i);
            //signing time
            int iattr = CMS_signed_get_attr_by_NID(si, NID_pkcs9_signingTime, -1);
            X509_ATTRIBUTE *attr = CMS_signed_get_attr(si, iattr);
            ASN1_TYPE *atype = sk_ASN1_TYPE_value(attr->value.set, 0);
            printf("signed time: %s\n", atype->value.asn1_string->data); //nvm UTC vs. generalized
            //signer certificate info
            X509 *signer = si->signer;
            if (!signer) {
                printf("no signer certificate; continue\n");
            X509_CINF *cinfo = signer->cert_info;
            if (!cinfo) {
                printf("no cert info with signer certificate; continue\n");
            printf("signer valid not before: %s\n", cinfo->validity->notBefore->data);
            printf("signer valid not after:  %s\n", cinfo->validity->notAfter->data);
        ret = 0;
        if (ret) {
            return -1;