I am trying to create a tree from a list.
I have written the function using foldl and foldr (latter not shown)
treeFromList l
| null l = error "no elements in list"
| otherwise = foldl insertIfAbsent (initTree (head l)) (tail l)
where the Tree DS is defined in a separate module as
data Tree a = EmptyTree | Node a (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
initTree x = (Node x EmptyTree EmptyTree)
and treeFold
is manually written (not derived) as
foldTree f acc t
| (empty t) = acc
| otherwise = foldTree f outerVal (leftSub t)
outerVal = f (value t) rightVal
rightVal = foldTree f acc (rightSub t)
After giving this some thought, I believe this cannot be done because of a type conflict. In theory, the tree would need to be build up in the accumulator while the list is constantly reduced/folded over.
On the contrary, I was able to convert to foldl
version to foldr
, and apparently foldr
can be expressed using foldTree
Any suggestions? Thank you!
You seem to be confused about the different folds.
List-related folds foldr
and foldl
consume a list (or, more in general, a foldable) to produce something else (which might not be a list).
The tree-related fold foldTree
consumes a tree to produce something else (which might not be a tree).
Hence, you can not switch from one to the other: if you only have a list as input, you do not have a tree to call foldTree